Sunday, 22 February 2009

Week 7 - let's off road!

I had a bit of a slow start this week, doing a couple of 20 minute treadmill sessions with 3 minute sprint intervals but not getting out on to the road until Thursday. I made up for it though with 10 hill sprint intervals in an hour session followed by a quick 10 km on Friday night. On Saturday we finally had a game of football after three weeks off because of the weather and managed to grind out a 2-1 win against a title rival on a windy, boggy pitch.

My legs felt really heavy today and I was half-tempted to have a day off but Gav text to say he was off for a run around Temple Newsam so I joined for a ten mile run round the woods which was muddy but good fun. I might have to invest in some proper fell running trainers for next time though! Next week I am going to have a break from the gym (well maybe the odd session) and concentrate on the running but with a couple more rest days.

16th - 22nd Feb
Mon: AM gym 1 hr
Tues: AM: gym 45 mins - PM: gym 1.5 hrs (5 km intervals)
Wed: AM: gym 1.5 hrs (5 km intervals)
Thurs: PM: 60 mins hill sprints x10 (10 km)
Fri: AM: gym 1.5 hrs (5 km intervals) PM: 45 mins fast (10 km)
Sat: Football
Sun: 16 km off road

Weekly total: 46 km - training total: 378 km

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