Wednesday, 20 October 2010

The road to Dublin

Having missed out on the Yorkshireman due to Jamie's illness and my own heavy cold, I needed a third challenge to complete my 'Up Hill Task' trio of events that I set out to achieve in April with the aim of raising over £1,000 for the MS Society: http://http//

I was lucky to gain a place in the Dublin marathon through adidas and kindly supported by my company, Savvy Marketing, I fly out on Sunday
to meet up with the guys from adidas with the intention of avoiding the Guiness and getting an early night ahead of Monday's 9am race start!
The aim, as I have been foolishly telling people is to run it in under 3 hours which, although I think is a possibility, I might not quite have the miles under my belt to last the pace. My longest run in the build up was 20 miles (though my broken Garmin thought it was nearer 35!) which I managed in 2hrs 45 mins but the extra 6 miles might take their toll. I suppose we will find out on Monday...